Since 2018, THE SCHAUFLER FOUNDATION, collaborating with other foundations in the Stiftungsnetzwerk Stuttgart (Stuttgart Foundation Network), has been supporting educational projects at school conducted by Chancenwerk e. V.
Working as a partner with schools, the initiative is promoting better education for children whose families cannot support them sufficiently with their schoolwork for reasons of money, time or language. Children and adolescents learn particularly well if there are role models among their peers. That is why older youths help the children with their schoolwork and the development of their individual skills. In turn, the young people themselves receive support from university students.
This form of give and take brings about inspiring cooperation: The students involved in the project develop a positive attitude towards learning, take responsibility and develop trust in their own capabilities. This results in better marks at school and thus better chances of completing school successfully.
At present, five schools in Stuttgart are receiving this support, and there are plans to double this number in 2020.